Impossible to read that with the filters of April Fool's Day.
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01
Impossible to read that with the filters of April Fool's Day.
lol that was funnny
I played the game numerous times at my friend's party. He said it was the biggest rip off ever. I agreed. The combo manual showed some button that doesn't even exist, and on the screen you couldn't even read what they said half the time, but that was probably because his Tv is pretty small haha.
that sucks. I don't even have xbox 360 or PS3. :P
That's a bad ass user pic lol.
Holy god I played street fighter last night. I was very disapointed. I was just glad I didn't spend my 60 on the game lol.
wow -_-
You have a competitor
<a href=""> 054474</a>
Fight me online... COME OUTSIDE!!!! LOL Street Fufghter 4 was made for pros only, <<BANG>> KO!!!
yea pros only