DUDER! (be complimented by the way I only call a few worthy newgrounders Duders - to be called Duder from the Duder guy is special - remember)
That's actually a really fun game. Gave me a big ass smile. Gotta admit I ain't a fan of the music but still real fun.
And what's this mediocre animtor and beginner actionscripter nonsense Yoink? The art is pleasent on the eyes, it's all drawn more then well enough to understand what's goin' on, and their we're no glitches or errors in programming I experinced.
Roar! Yoink! Release the inner monster Yoink! No more of this softening your skills in your eyes with words or thoughts - confidence Yoink! confidence Duder! Your great!
Halloween and what's next?:
christmas dude
christmas is after thanksgiving