This is great
I like how this sets a nice relaxing mood. It makes you feel like you're in a paradise full of beautiful women who are completely naked and are in need of pleasure. haha
This is great
I like how this sets a nice relaxing mood. It makes you feel like you're in a paradise full of beautiful women who are completely naked and are in need of pleasure. haha
Haha thats a good way too put it xD Glad Someone Likes My First Slow Song ^.^
This is great
This definitely sounds like it could be in a god of war game. I really like how it sounds. Very well put together. Great work with this. It definitely has the god of war feel to it. :)
hey thanks for the review! I'm actually playing GoW again, and I'm making another piece inspired by the great OST in that game- a much more "epic" sounding track. I'm glad you think it sounds suitable for GoW, thanks for the nice words and score.
oh neat
This is a really cool beat. Very good use of drums and guitar. I liked how there was some short pauses and then continuations. Great work!
Thanks for the reveiw!
whoa there
This is definitely out there. This would be something nice to use for a halloween flash movie. I like the rain in the background. It's got that spooky feel to it. You did a great job with this.
thank you :D
very neat beat
I like the zylophone in the beginning and then you add some excelent drum type beat and some bass background. You should add more to this. It would be nice to use in a rap song I bet. great work!
thank u 4 this useful tips
I've never played FF but this sounded really good. It definitely has that boss battle feel to it. This sounds like a midi file. hah very cool beat. great work!
lol. thanks.'re does kinda sound like a o well. Anyway thanks for the review!
(thanks to msg2007 for the review too!)
really song
I like how you have some aggressive guitaring and drums going on at the same time. Kind of sounds like a slipknot type of song. The title is what really drawn me to this beat on the audio portal. hah This is excellent. Great work!
Yeah, I suck at finding song titles =P Though I'm kind of offended to hear it sounds like Slipknot. Oh wait, as a 13 year old would say: "DEWD, SLIKPNOT R XCORE AND WAT R U GOING 2 DO ABOUT IT?????!!!!!?!!?8!?!!"
Just kidding, thanks for your review mate!
This is really cool
Very good use of instruments. The percussion is great. I like how it started off with piano and then it got interesting almost like a climax and then it went back with piano. This does sound hip-hop. Nice work!
Thanks for listening. I'm glad someone liked it. When I'm finished tweaking it I'll post the final version.
this is awesome!
I want to make a song similar to the original and I was looking for this beat. Hope you don't mind me slapping on some vocals? very nice guitaring. :)
Not at all! Wow, I'm suprised someone would actually want to though lol. Cheers, good luck!
This is crazy. I really like it. Very cool sounding. Good mix of guitar and vocal and a background beat. great work!
Thank you very much YoinK, it was fun making it too.
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01