They are just fighting without reason... voice acting would have been nice. Soundfx weren't at all that great... graphics would have been better if they were drawn instead also. This needs improvements.
They are just fighting without reason... voice acting would have been nice. Soundfx weren't at all that great... graphics would have been better if they were drawn instead also. This needs improvements.
Sprites are sprites, I can't improve upon the art without me being at least half as lazy as I could be... Yeah, as if that'd happen! As you said, they weer fighting randomly, so the voice acting would have gone wo wast: "oh, I shall punch you" "Oh, that's fine charlie" You understand? Some of the sound was kind of out of place, ro not really all together. Thanks for the review.
what the
So the guy needs money to make flash... he does all the voices... and he wants to "do it" with his other voice... that is very strange... I think this movie needs some work. Graphics are roughly sketched.. the idea is very weird... voice acting needs work too.
oh geez
yet another mario sprite movie... this has been done so many times. I review about 10 of these per day. hmm, at least the characters talk in this one. There really isn't a point in the benny hill style... they just chase each other all over the place.
a clock movie with decent looking graphics... robot voices.. and some good music. It's nice to see a good clock movie once in awhile. But, it wasn't really all that funny. It was alright.
A'ight, thanks for the review, i enjoyed myself reading this ;)
okay okay
I really liked the music... as for graphics, most of them were just image imports into the flash program... not really the best stuff... text readings and images... I was hoping for more than just this.... I don't understand what is being advertised.... lots of randomness was in this movie.
Yeah, I thought a lot of poeple wouldn't get this. Thanks for watching anyway.
His mom is trying to kills him.. damn... she played a good role. Very fun to watch.. even though this really isn't flash.. it's just an import of a home movie. Entertaining though.. nice dramatic music.
Thanks, but actually is not for home, here in spain we sell this movies and thats why we are doing more, cuz it seems to be a succes for us
"ehh.. this must be the giant toilet" that was so funny. although, i'm not really a fan of video game imports into flash... this was a good one. nice voice acting and very funny. nice job.
Thundercats are the greatest. I use to watch them when I was a little kid. Very nice work drawing them and animating them... That was fun to watch.. It's always nice to see some thundercat flash movie once in awhile.
very nice work
This is some very professional work. Graphics/animation are very well done. nice dramatic background music. Very nice voice acting too. You did some great work with voice synches and facial expressions too. This is an excellent flash movie. Please make more.
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01