
3,778 Movie Reviews

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good stuff

not a fan of sprite animations... but those parts that were drawn were very epic and entertaining. Loved that one that had that fight scene. great work guys!

FlashfireEX responds:

You don't like sprite animations and you're giving this a 10? Now I know I've done something right. Thanks a lot!

this was cool

I loved everything about this animation. It had excellent voice acting. The drawing/animation was done very well. The story was nicely thought out. This was very professional. Cool idea of using a chick that tries to hide from the cops.

lavallelee responds:

thanks a lot, my dream is to be a professional animator!

That was awesome!

The animation and the song were both very professional. I thought it was a funny idea to animate and write a song about ballginas. lol great work!

great movie

i've always been a fan of your work hulalaoo. You animate nicely well through out this entire flash. It looked so professional. You have some skills dude. Keep on making these animations of yours. You made all the characters look like a bunch of badass motherfuckers. The piconjo fight reminded me of DBZ. I love DBZ. :)

great work

This was definitely an interesting story. You did very well with this. Creativity for the P-bot idea on how he came to be. great stuff!

this is really complex...

It's an option for lipsynching... but i'd rather just use a graphic symbol for all the mouths cuz then I can just put in a number for which frame I want and it just makes it easier that way.

excellent collab

I really enjoyed this collab. It had some humor and some excellent drawing/animating. It's not easy to make something like this. You all did so very well with this. My favorites were the spider-man trying to do the "all the single ladies" dance and the part where iron man tries to touch rogue and fails by dying from her absorbing of power abilities.

JKAmovies responds:

Thank you so very much.

cool animation

I like the style of this animation. Nicely put together and flows very nicely. You have some really good drawings skills. great work of showing different perspectives.


This is still a poorly done flash animation. Nothing spectacular about it really.


I enjoyed this animation. It was nicely animated and the audio quality was perfect. The idea of charlie brown having revenge was just pure brilliance. great work!

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



Some Place Warm

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