some counterstrike type movie. Prepare to fight. haha, the deep voice was great. Very nice sound fx.. no music.. but that's fine. This was an excellent movie.. very entertaining to watch. You did a great job with this...
some counterstrike type movie. Prepare to fight. haha, the deep voice was great. Very nice sound fx.. no music.. but that's fine. This was an excellent movie.. very entertaining to watch. You did a great job with this...
Well, it always says prepare to fight in CS, lol. Thanks for the nice review.
way cool
He hates clocks. This is a great idea for a game. You even print screened a strawberry clock and orange clock into your movie.. and still used robot voices. haha that's awesome. Graphics look really nice in this movie. "someday you'll join me in hell and a regret ever meeting you.." haha that's awesome. I like seeing the clocks suffer, you did so well with this. great work.
an invasion. some very dramatic music mixed with outerspace and spaceship animation. The graphics look decent. This is a really short movie... you made some great choices in music though.. perhaps some voice acting of some kind is in store for the future chapters?
what's an ordinary day? very nice voice acting and narrating. That green stuff really was random but funny. Damn this movie just gets random as it goes forward.. but it was entertaining and that's all that matters. really nice work.
thanks pal
way cool
Some plant growing and then dying. With some piano music.. it fits so well and shows that life really is short. Then some angel dude flying. That was cool how you used the blurr effect for when he tried to fly. This sure is a sad movie.. but after he ate that chip he grew strength which was nice. Very nice movie.
I saw the cookie monster flying in outer space. I really like this movie.. stingray cool. This is definitely something different. Never seen something like this before. Very flashy and colorful with perfect music to fit with it. nice work.
For an animutation with a very similar (but more seizure-tastic) look, I recommend Wizard Power by Neil Cicierega.
This is so cool. I like how you animated a drawing of a rabbit.. and put in some native american music in the background to really give it a good feel. Then some kick ass linkin park music and some ocean.. that is cool looking. very nice work.
way cool
These video game things are fun to watch.. and that music in the background just makes it more dramatic. Very nice stuff. Is it hard to import such video game animations into a flash program? I see this stuff a lot on NG now. This was a decent one.
Yeah, its because of filesize limits and flash that the quality drops. In other forms like WMV, its crystal clear. Its just flash causing its quality to drop
Counter strike scene.. with two guys arguing over being gay. This movie is so random it seems. Then all of a sudden some mission impossible scene. YOu need to learn to animate people walking.. the guy just drags his feet. hah this is a weird movie.
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01