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oooh okay

photoman vs. quickman... This is very weird looking... you didn't cut out your sprites fully it looks like. the music fits this... but not really to my liking... i'm not really a sprite fan either.. drawn is better. :P But.. this movie seemed rather short and It seemed it didn't even have an ending to it. who won??? must have been a draw I guess...

swordflip responds:

Doesn't anyone read?! I said it's not finished yet! It's just a freakin soundtest!


so why would anyone want to make a bad flash? oh alright, You're just trying to give tips for movies to pass judgement I see... the style isn't so great... You could make a character explain it rather than have a bunch of text readings with music that's so boring.... this could have been easily better.


This seems rather interesting. Vash Vs. Vermillion. Graphics look excellent and the frame by frame animating is just swEEt looking. Damn this looks very professional and very well done. The movements of arms with the guns and jumping from here to there looks excellent. You sure put in a lot of time animating this. I also really like the choice of music you have with this movie. This movie is definitely very under-rated and deserves a much higher score than this.

very nice

This movie just woke me up when I first saw it this morning. That sonic sure goes fast, i like how you animated him. We never got to see his face just a blue streaks animated all over the screen. It was a nice idea and the animation fits well with the song. nice work.


i've seen something like this before... but this is really cool how you used perspectives and frame by frame animated this. The music fits well with this too. It was really entertaining to watch the drawing of the houses.

Ohls responds:

thanks =) its very nice to hear that people apriciate my work =)


it's a fight between MSN, ICQ, MS Paint.. damn that was very interesting looking. I've never seen something like this before. The sound fx fit the animation really well too. very nice work.

oh neat

This is really cool. voice acting is really good. I like the style and the setting of them at the cafeteria. That was a cool idea to make one character with one eye. This is weird, they said they wouldn't go to the concert but they did.. now they are wearing pink t-shirts.. very weird. This movie is just sick.... where are dee girls? This was a really cool movie except for the gay scene. :P


sprite movie and mario gets wasted by grabbing some weed. Damn.. i've never seen something like this before.. either that or I just don't remember. It was an alright movie.. sprites are not really to my liking though. But people who have weed don't usually act that badass. You made it seem like weed is like steroids... but whatever. :P


This seems really cool. I like the graphics of this flash movie. Evenecense is an excellent choice in music. Then some fighting, this is just great. This movie just got better as it went forward. the guy got a tattoo now... so that makes him a badass now? hah nice movie!

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



Some Place Warm

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