
3,778 Movie Reviews

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The first one really sucked... it was just in the left corner of the screen... and was very fast...
The second one.. guy picks up phone and gets shot... really didn't have much of a plot to it.. but it was animated decently.
The last one.. some robo penguins fighting each other and then they both fall to the floor... some sound fx could have been added... and it was really short...
overall.. each one was really short.. they lacked detail in areas and could have been better... i hope you improve.

cool-penguin-0 responds:

;)======={ ]=



graphics seem rather poor... but voice acting is alright.. that's funny how you used some program to make the voice so deep. that character you made... he just slides without moving.. that's very weird. This movie looks like it needs work with graphics.. some subtitles would be nice to add cuz i don't know what the hell he's saying sometimes.


This is some great advice.. don't play soccer cuz you have to run so much... and there's riots and mobs and stuff. But some soccer girls are really hot because they play soccer.. soccer is just one of those sports out there that put people in shape.. so there are some hot girls out there with hot bods. :P but yea.. i definitely don't like soccer.. there are better sports out there like basketball and baseball. nice animating!


very nice graphics, i like the style of the characters... damn this is so cool. it's a little short.. but damn.. it would be nice if you made animation for the full length of this rammstein song. not bad for what you've made.


another clock movie with the "robot" voices... i'd prefer a clock movie without the robot voices.. but wow you sure have some really niffty looking 3D graphics in this flash.. what program did you use to make all of this? this is very original.. i don't think i've ever seen 3D clocks like this animated before. nice work.

DazFromTaz responds:

Thanks for the good review! If you read the authors comments on this movie you'll read that I modelled in 3D Studio Max and exported it with a Swift3D Max plugin.
Hopefully work on a second episode will begin soon. There is an update to this movie if you check my other submissions.


This is a great movie... the stick king kills one dude that is crying... and then he kills his shadow and his shadow starts to multiply. Very nice idea.. and i really love how you drawn out the character's facial expressions... very nice work. no conversations were really needed here. nice short flash movie.


i love this song.. "bang bang bang". mario sprites.. they bore.. but yea..it seemed like some of this was very bad... the seizure one with the white and black flickering is not good at all... quit trying to be like dailytoon... geez.

Ogmz-Chubaka responds:



This is a very fun pong type game.. but how is it possible to win this game?? there's no soundfx or music... but damn.. this could have been better if you added more to it. nice idea though.

back2ownuzzzzzz responds:

i c that u have a lot of reviews.thx for ur review


This is an intense looking flash.. it's only an intro but damn.. there's so much detail.. i like the woman's voice and i like the music/soundfx. This comic book site must be very spiffy looking. I like how you have blurr effects to.. but it's crazy how this just loops.

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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