
3,778 Movie Reviews

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Chapter 15, ACT 1.. oooh. okay another chapter. *gets ready to watch a long movie*

Really nice choice of music and graphics look really good.. very detailed. This looks like the titanic almost.. but the girl is so sad.. and the guy isn't saying "shit" like 500 times.

damn.. she just doesn't want to be helped.. poor girl..


not bad, i think i've seen better.. but the graphics looked really good. i like how you drawn the characters and backgrounds.. the moon had that glow that looked nice. voice acting sounded like it needed some improvement.

Blackan responds:

Thanks, if you look at my other Movies you Notice I've improved alot since 2004

very cool

very nice 3D stuff. i like the texture and the way you animated it.. showing different perspectives.. nice sound fx and use of matrix type music. that was cool how you made that one girl do that matrix effect.. very nice to see this.. and it was very entertaining. great work.

unnamed121 responds:

thank you...but this is 3 movie...its not great...and i used the worse 3d engine in the world!

but thanks man.


it's a clock movie with church like music to it... omg.. how can this get any boringer? no no no.. yea.. nice graphics.. yes, you did a nice job drawing those clocks and making those long ass text readings. you deserve a cookie.

CodeRedClock responds:

yay a cookie!


crayon bear eh? you animated that bear really well.. the music is really cool. whoa this is cool.. the bear draws stuff and then whatever it is it flies or moves around and comes to life.. this is a really nice idea.

oh cool

so this is some static x background music loop.. looped nicely.. graphics were alright.. some random violence.. but yea.. it could have been longer and better than it was.. not bad though.

SwitchBladeClock responds:

yoink reviewed one of my movies!!! :):):)

and he somewhat liked it!!!

:):):):):) thx!


okay.. so stick dudes at random places in some school... that just slide accross the floor and shoot random people... the music is cool.. but the graphics need a lot of work.. if you use sticks then you need to animate it a lot better than that.

oh no..

not one of these again... the music gives me a headache... so far.. final fantasy is the worst type of flash movie anyone can ever make from my experience with flash movies. text readings.. which means no voice acting.. imported sprites which means no use of drawing skills... or animating of some kind. meh.. and who cares if it's RPG.. it's definitely over-rated.

Tootbook responds:

3,302 reviews available <----auto nerd. Now apart from that...You need to put a few things into consideration...like the fact that i have no scanner, I have very little experiance with flash, and i dont use preanimated GIFS like most people do..I dont care what you say about it being overrated simply because you hate sprite movies. This review doesent even review the flash. It looks like you just made a review for it without watching the movie. Its not like im so fucking lazy that i just import the people walking..i do that on my own and im trying to learn how to script..and to the drawing skills check back when i have this series done...Your going to shit a brick because the last episode is gonna be handrawn...so kiss my ass and have a good day nerd. :)


OiJoink?... animated really well.. nice use of sound fx and music. but yea.. you sure know how to frame by frame animate... it looks like stuff just randomly appears on the screen.. it's a fairy short flash movie about some battle.

Oijoink responds:


They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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