
3,778 Movie Reviews

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there's nothing there ... just some black blob with a white background.. no music.. no plot.. and it's only 0.1kb in file size. did something happen? did you forget about your flash movie? did you just put this here to piss people off?

ice-cold-productions responds:

i dnt understand i think that daniel changed it for some reason. ill talk 2 him and try 2 put it back on


graphics look alright i guess... could be better. sound fx are good... seemed rather random of a flash movie... stuff just popping up and off the screen at random times. then into a grocery store where there are slow people who mess everything up. since when has superman or spiderman or batman have been in a grocery store? haha.. that's so random.. then a stick fight. Just an overall random movie that was entertaining. nice work.


graphics look okay.. music seems rather depressing. this must be a depressing movie. okay... this is a very short flash movie of some blue creatures on some planet.. there wasn't much of a plot or purpose of what was going on.

Oijoink responds:



i thought strawberryclock died? i was wrong... the clockcrew? isn't the clockcrew dead? heh, again robot voiced fruit clocks... that's very strange. locks? since when has there been locks hating clocks?
"i hope you try to escape so i can kill you." hahah that was really funny. I'm glad you have subtitles... those robot voices can be tough to understand some of the time.

SamFisherClock responds:

The CC is not dead and will never die =)

oh cool

Act 3. again, really cool looking graphics and music. Comic style is definitely cool looking. YOu seem to know what you are doing with these characters. that's crazy how that guy looked into the mind of that wolf and saw what happened to him. very nice stuff. very nice work on animating those cars going really fast. This one makes a lot more sense. It's a very good one. oh nooo... the wolf died...


some imported work.. i like how this looks like a comic.. graphics look cool and music is very nice. did you draw these characters? or did you find them some where and imported them? Too bad there's no voice acting... if there was it would be like the comic part of max payne almost. i really like this flash, nice work.


i really like cars and the music is really good... but this is just motion tween imported pics of the car and motion tweened text readings... it realy could have been better than that..... perhaps some drawing would be great.


the text readings in the begining was really fast... but i didn't want to read it anyway. nice dramatic music... graphics look alright, i like how you animated that light in the begining. very interesting on how those clocks can read each other's minds without ever talking to each other. I'm not really much of a clock fan, but it was decent. nice work.

MawOfTheDragon responds:

They don't read each other's minds, they speak, I just don't want to use speakonia to get the voices, I'm saving it for a later part in the series.

Thanks for the good review ^_^

nut crack

haha, nice background music and sound fx. this is definitely a good idea. i haven't seen a nutcracker movie before. voice acting is good. haha he's using a crane and he doesn't know what he's doing.. in comes dramatic background music. good use of dramatic background music. This really looks like it could be on television. nice work.

Matty-182 responds:

thanks. Unfortunatly *i never figured out how to properly spell unfortuneatly, by the way* Newgrounds wont accept any more Nutcracker movies since they are "large in size" and "score poorly". Its a shame.

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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