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so far, lots of imported pics. okay.. all imported pics cuz you used sprites.... voice acting was alright i guess. nice choice in music. would be nice if you drawn out the characters instead. But anyway, i guess you were going for the "video game" feel. It's a good thing you used dramatic music and voice acting cuz without that this wouldn't be much of anything. Nice stuff though.

CheveLoco responds:

i wouldnt do one episode with sprites and the next one hand drawn..i have other hand drawn projects i am working on..


Final Fantasy.... again... anyway i wasn't really hoping to see a bunch of motion tweened text... why not tell the story through voice acting? I guess it was good since there were no sprites in this. A mix of animated characters with imported backgrounds is alright... but doesn't always seem to fit. YOu should really try and use some voice acting of some kind.

rowan-studios responds:

LOL yeh do you wanna volanter for voice acting? Problaly not .. nobody wants it so.. How the hell do i think to get voice actors pay 'em? Phew i'll be happy if i can make my animations done do u know how much work it is? But yeh thnx for the review im ur fan of animations!!!!


really cool techno music and other music. I like how all the animations fit well with the music. Very fast paced and very slow at points which is really nice to see. i like seeing a bunch of short animations together it's a lot better than each of them submitted individually. Very nice work here, a mix of frame by frame and motion tween animations. very great stuff!

way cool

i really like the 3D effect and perspective that this movie has. Graphics are drawn decently well, i like how you made the walls so detailed. But anyway.. pider-man using a gun? why not have pider-man shoot webbing? voice acting would be a nice thing to add to this animation.

Rubbertje responds:

Thanks dude! :)
Well... the original 'Pider Pan' in Backoff 1 and 2 also had a gun and no web to shoot with.. so.. AND in Backoff 1 and 2 wasn't voice-acting too.



You did some great animating/drawing. I liked the choice in music and the dancing, really funny stuff. The sound of the voice souned like you put your mouth too close to the mic or something...


i knew this would get saved cuz it's a really funny song that involves nukes, shooting and the american flag. Really nice stuff. But then when it got to the PB and J song... i was a little annoyed..

Chubaka responds:

sorry... lol


i like watching some frame by frame animation and linkin park music. Really nice stuff to watch. You sure know how to animate those sticks. Random violence is always fun to watch. :)

TvP responds:



Graphics are drawn very profesionally, music is nice, the movie is animated rather smoothly. The music fits with the animation well. i like how you showed so many perspectives. Voice acting is really good too. damn this is great! it reminds me of robocop almost.
Poor robot... this is cool how you made a robot have so many feelings. This was an excellent flash movie!

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thank u for the kind words!

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



Some Place Warm

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