what's up doood? haha, i thought this was a nice gag. You just imported pics and didn't cut them.. that guy all the way on the right looked familiar. I remember he use to be a total ass on the FS forums. haha, good work.
what's up doood? haha, i thought this was a nice gag. You just imported pics and didn't cut them.. that guy all the way on the right looked familiar. I remember he use to be a total ass on the FS forums. haha, good work.
This is an awesome movie. "it's okay, i had subway!" hahahaha, The graphics were awesome and the plot was awesome. very well done with this movie.
i loved this movie. It had a twist and a very good twist. Who knew he'd get like that? haha, i liked the other part where the green goblin wacks him in the face.
just like the other one.. it didn't make much sense but it was very funny and i love the style of this series.
This is a great movie. I liked the style in which you had the characters talk. The animation was very nice.. very well done.. nicely plotted. The bee part seemed random.. but it was great overall. :)
This is a cool movie. very well animated. that room is messy! i bet a lot of people will think that guy is like foamy. but nicely done.
a stick movie.. but it's animated well.. needs a background.. it's okay i gues.
This is a very funny movie, you are Bob! lol.. the force is strong. The animation is great and the voice acting made this movie really good. great work!
first off, the graphics look really good and the movie has a nice style... lol i recognized that it was dave teatro's voice. hahaha that's awesome. Banana phone! hahah great work!
Someday i want to be as good at animating as you people.. damn.. i really liked the one by Tommy LM.. those were some sick animations. how do you animate like that???
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01