This is a high quality action packed sprite movie. Much better than a damn overrated VGDC movie. :)
This is a high quality action packed sprite movie. Much better than a damn overrated VGDC movie. :)
The graphics are nice from backgrounds to people.. but it seemed as if the music didn't fit with the violence.
Not too shabby. Uhm it was animated very well and it brought it's point accross. nice job. Is the triangly-head a girl?
This movie was HOT... it was total hotness! haha. Great to see another Jim Ether movie. I hope to see more crazy insane movies from you. peace.
I thought this movie was okay.. but title doesn't quite fit with what is going on. Or is the title sarcasm to what is going on? It seems what is going on is the oposite of the title. hehe. good work, i like how the mouths are animated.
You need to animate their feet and make them look at each other when they talk or something. Perhaps make their mouths move when they speak as well.
Great animation! It must be tough to be a worm. The ending was really good too. Great job. I bet there was alot of thought put into this one.
This was a fun movie to watch. Great backgrounds animated well. Not the greatest voice synches and the voice acting sounded as if you were talking right into the microphone. But uh... other than that it was a great story-line. nice job.
i thought this was really really good! it has a small file size but it is long enough in time. I thought this was animated and drawn really well. But there's only one thing you might want to add. Perhaps a small file sized background music.
GET music shuffler
GET cool edit pro
conver an mp3 from mp3 to wav
make it smaller in length with cool edit pro and play it in the movie. With background music people would love this even more. GREAT WORK :)
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01