this is quite a preview. can't wait for the full version. ;)
this is quite a preview. can't wait for the full version. ;)
now this is a great movie and deserves that 3.66 score. not like that Peanut Butter Jelly 2 movie. hehe. great job on this. i thought the effort you put into this was quite high. keep up the good work.
are you kidding me! it's just imported sprites jumping around on the screen. This doesn't deserve that high of a score. i'm sorry... i speak the truth.
even though i MADE the ¥, and the SBC? like anything you ever made even deserves to be around.
i hate sprites... that was pretty lame! and short's a bit funny of how lame it is... lol.
2kb????? huh? doesn't make sense!
i agree with the last reviewer.. what were you smoking when you made this? that song was so ghey. And the next song was ghey too. The audio was what made the file size that large... something like this shouldn't take that long to load. keep at it.
i hate the DBZ style but quite funny.. hehehhehehhe. song that doesn't end... quite annoying.. but never FRICKEN ending! damn! wait... it stops when the audio loop is over... hehehehhe.. so it actually does end. :)
decent movie. i liked the music, it really set the mood. overall... decentcy. good work.
this movie is reallly great. you did an excellent job. BUT... the bad looking cars and bad looking backgrounds didn't match the way you animated and drawn your people. I would say improve your backgrounds... and music and this would be great. ;)
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01