
3,778 Movie Reviews

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this is definetly a movie for people who don't know who the clock crew is... and i think it had some nice sound... but definetly needs work... make a movie without the clock crew next time.. i wanna see what you could really do!


you must have used a 3D program for that contoler part! anyway.. it's a cool start.. and i hate to break it to yah but it's already February 2002!!! also Cows Go MOOOOOO!

avantpop responds:

Yeah, the original version was done with a 3D program, but the output files are huge! I basically redo the shot using shape tweens - cutting the size down about 90%. Very tedious work, but the output looks good and it keeps the file size low.


the only thing i thought was good... was the funny audio you put in this... but everything else equals shit! ... you obviously imported some gif images for all of your characters!

DragoonFenix15 responds:

Yeah, thats what sprite movies are, buddy


the graphics were cool... but the gun shot was a bit cheezy... would have been better if you used a cooler gun sound... But it was an okay movie overall.


it had some good and bad... the good thing about this movie was it's animation and graphics... the bad part was that it was really short. Make something just a bit longer and people will vote higher for yah!


not bad... it's an okay movie! alot better than the other stuff i've seen lately on newgrounds! keep up the good work!

RaNcIdPsYcHoJoSh responds:

Thank you, Thank you all... :)


what's up with this? why don't you just make a fricken movie?... i mean i could make something like this in 5 minutes! you bastard!


it's okay.. but everything was imported into the flash... well most of it... i much rather see some homemade drawings that are animated of some sort...


not bad.. i'm not a BIG fan of sticks though.. but i guess this movie had some significants... people will say it's similar to XIAO XIAO in ways... but i don't care... it's cool.


it's not that great... you really suck when it comes to picking out music... the music and the audio was gay... you should have had that streamed.. plus it might have been better if you fixed audio... maybe lower the KB's so that people such as myself don't have to wait all day to watch this gay movie... Pokemon is gay... and DBZ is gay... so your movie overall pretty much was gay... maybe the next tournament you will make will be different... i sure hope it will be different cuz i can't stand gayness throughout newgrounds... it's very annoying!!! Also.. if you are going to make a tournament at least pick out some "cool" characters... i mean the people you picked were all pretty damn gay... what is homer going to do for a move? fart in people's faces? how is the whole team of xiao xiao going to be fair against an individual???? i really can't see this series be so GREAT. I think it's horrible!!!

the-adversary responds:

Do you really think complaining about it is gunna do anything!? I dont especially like dbz either and i hate pokemon, but i thought id do something for the people who do like them! "OOH look at me im gunna come along and call everything gay! Youre gay! im gay! everythings gay!!"
Do you think complaining about its gunna do anything, you fuckin fag!

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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