this is great
haha I really liked this movie. It was very humorous. You had wade playing around with NG admin tools and then you had Tom fulp pop up from behind with a funny facial expression. Very nicely done wade/tom flash movie. ;)
this is great
haha I really liked this movie. It was very humorous. You had wade playing around with NG admin tools and then you had Tom fulp pop up from behind with a funny facial expression. Very nicely done wade/tom flash movie. ;)
a music video about someone that is horny. Your angry face could have been a little more detailed than that. I didn't really like the seizure effect backgrounds. Graphics could have been drawn better overall.
needs work
All four parts were really really short.
Retrosmash, all you have is a blinking line and some guy looking at the line with some sort of moving vehicle sound made by a person's mouth... it kind of needed more to it. Perhaps have the guy say something and add more... perhaps a background?
Adam Ant, your part was really short... I like how you animated the character... but it needed more. It also probably needed subtitles because I had no idea what that thing was saying. A background would have been a nice add-on.
Rumblemunky, I liked the music... but I really wished it was longer.. The graphics though kind of looked messy.
Little-Rena, This is the longest flash of the four and it also seemed to have needed more. I liked the background design.
Overall... to be honest... this really needs some work.
nice transformers movie
I enjoyed every minute of this movie. I liked the part where the bird was flying faster than the decepticons and where Prime and Megatron were going head to head and the seasons were changing. Very well drawn and animated flash . Excellent use of sound fx and background music. I loved the style of the characters. great work!
oh snap
This was just pure genius. I really liked this. First you have buzz smoking a crayon. Then you have a little boy playing with the toys believing that a dildo is a lightsaber. That was so funny. Nice job.
oh snap
The return of the king. Who knew it would be who it was. Nicely drawn graphics. The idea was awesome. I wasn't expecting to see the king of rock and roll pop out of no where. Very good idea with very detailed drawn characters. great work!
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01