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i'm not really a fan of sprites and boring text readings... because this has been done so many times before. originality is key to flash movies. but anyway, very interesting music put into this...

OddRabbit responds:

if u aint a fan of sprites why click on something thats says super mario in the name? Not to many mario flashes that aint sprites buddy


black and white.. but a red colored ball.. this is very interesting. With some sad/depressing music. nice work with some of the frame by frame animating part. Great work with drawing those different perspectives as well.

Bill responds:

Thank you :)

oh nice

I remember watching this movie the other day. You sure have some excellent 3D skills... that turtle eventually got to escape and knew how to use that fork.. and crushed those snails that were after him.. hehe. 3ds max is a great tool for 3D.. i've never used that before... swift 3D was what I used for 3D back in the day. nice work though. I hope to see more.

Brimock responds:

thanks, probly wount see me do 3d again for a while though...

no way

goomba collection... but with sonic music at the start screen. nice. 3 different episodes too. Graphics aren't the greatest.. they look a little roughly sketched. Ludacris made an appearance.. damn this movie just shows a bunch of random people. Just an overall random movie... but I like randomness. not bad.. at least you did not use sprites.

FatBadger responds:

You must really like/know Sonic to recognize that intro music. Check out Sonic Epoch for maximum Sonic comfort.

very interesting

some piano type music is always good to make the right feel for a movie... graphics/animating look decent. I can't believe a dog was shot in this... killed the animal. damn I really didn't understand what went on or why they fought each other for... but violence is always nice. good use of sound fx.

Kalaloo-NB responds:

Thanks. The dog was hunting down slaves. Tubman had to act or risk losing the guy. And adding some simple background music does liven things up just tad. Me and a friend plan to do that for episode two.


I love the style of the graphics. He randomly farted after some fly landed near the lamp. haha.. and then he slapt the shit out of it after he played some outkast. That was some random violence but i'm a fan of that. very nice work!

TheDonster responds:

You'll definitely love my next episode
"Michael Surfs The Internet" Then :)


Damn this was just awesome. This is exactly like Metal Gear solid... all they do is talk for a long ass time. It's almost like there is more talking then gameplaying... but anyway, It was funny how they got into that argument. I guess that is one thing that sucks about having a girlfriend... she could just bitch and complain about pointless stuff.

Techneon responds:

pretty much yeah.

thanks for the kudos


Very nice graphics/animating. Nice choice of music too. Damn that kid is so funny. He didn't understand that easter bunny but kept grabbing/poking it. Damn that was great.

red-hot-ant responds:

Kids are funny.
Glad you liked it. Based on a true story...

clock movie

nicely drawn clock movie. I like the perspectives of everything drawn in the background. Only downside to this movie is that it was extremely short in terms of length. I don't understand why orange got so mad about dropping his fork.. this movie made strawberry look weak and scared. nice short movie.

Strepitoso responds:

It is extremely short because the idea couldn't really be stretched any further than it was.

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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