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not too shabby. i thought that was a decent movie. Not much of a point.. but it gave you a perspective of WWII. Nice job!

simonhason responds:

thx, i dont kno if im gonna make number 3...but probly...keep reviewing every1 plz


i thought this was cool... i liked the animation in this movie.. it was done quite well... but i didn't know it would be payback for the smurfs... i thought it had a story or something and the smurfs whoop that old dude... but oh well.. nice job!

CreativeFetus responds:

thanks. The reason i called it: "The Smurfs - Payback" is because they gets what they deserve! I would never make a movie about the smurfs bothering a poor old man. :D


not too shabby.. you could probably make a game out of those graphics. i liked the explosions that occured in this movie.. they were swEEt! :)

simonhason responds:

Thanks alot every1 =D im very very confident in making quikee 2, and ill do my best to make it WWWWWWWAY better! plus im working on agent 88 ep2
thats lookin good so far, and thx greenvien i thought the explosions coulda bin better but im glad u likem =D


nice movie. strange style... but nicely animated and made. quite funny too hehehhe ;)

Oska responds:

Thank you, but just so you know, I GOT permission, I CO-WROTE it, so therefore, it is 100% NOT stolen! Sure, I didn't animate everything and added colours and everything, but I got permission, I helped WRITE this, so therefore, it is NOT stolen.


it was an okay movie... i give you props for some originality. but... who brings an owl to a hospital??? don't make sense... and i hate sticks... drrrrrr
*one thumb up*

spork-man22 responds:

who brings an owl to a hospital u ask? have u ever seen an owl get hit by a meteor? have u ever seen an owl that gets a beard when it barks? no....nothin in the movie makes any sense at all.......live with it


lots of imported shit... 3 easy to make 3d effects. um... i thought it was boring... text convo's with the imported sprites.
*one thumb down*

Bob64 responds:

ah, well, its supposted to go with 15 other scenes... but they'd get blammed right away.


agreed... doesn't work... drrrr

CrimsonClock responds:

its workin for some people and not for others, i'm fixin the problem


coolness. Here's what i thought.. the michael jackson music was so fuckin annoying! why so many songs of that dude? anyway... MICHAEL JACKSON"S CARE AT THE END... the wheels were turning in the wrong direction! you must smoked pot when you animated his car correct? heh. anyway.. i thought it was an okay movie to watch. The audio was great.. but the part where it showed a house and blood shot up was boring and the car chase was so boring... and shouldn't there be a person behind the wheel? one angle made it looked like no one was driving. Well.. you might think i hate this movie because of some issues i brought up about it but.. dudes! this is cool... the only thing that really makes this look ALMOST like an SOC reject is the one dudes head that has 2 different colored eyes. Have that dude die and make a replacement and you got an original series or something. :) nice job!

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

Ever notice that sometimes when things go fast it looks like they are going the opposite directions.. watch tires sometimes.. they do that, as do fans, propellers.. anyway. I draw the fucking cartoons, im not dying. and I have two different colored eyes. stop fucking comparing to SOC. but thanks for the review ;-)


it's gots traced dudes... needs animation somewhere dude... should have made the mouths move or something. then it would have been better.

SketchMichaels responds:

A few of them are traced, yes. Not everything has to be original, my friend. In this case, it was a "tribute", so using the real people was the most appropriate thing for the project. I know I should have made the mouths move, maybe someday I'll add that in, maybe not. Regardless, thanks for the review.

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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