
3,778 Movie Reviews

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it's final fantasy... i mean stealth confession. haha i like that fat guy... but he talks a little unclear and the audio isn't of quality. You should try using a different program when recording your audio.. that might just help. whoa it's salad fingers again.. hah.. i remember this scene from the other Stealth Confession movie.. what these characters is really random... this could be a lot better...

yea heh

i remember watching this movie earlier... the credits in the begining is not a good idea.. you should leave them for the end... they sure are long in this flash. you have two names for this flash though... why? Chienzilla and Dogzilla.... and the characters look like south park characters... which isn't too bad... the sound doesn't seem to fit very well with that dog that roars like godzilla.. this is funny though that this movie is in french.. goood thing you have english translation cuz it would have been a little difficult to understand. Little kids are always afraid of dogs... this is funny.. reminds me of the sandlot almost. graphics sure are good in this movie though. whoa, that was funny when he was using a squirt gun and the other was using a real gun.. but then they got eatened. This is definitely every little kid's nightmare. nice work.


Band With Ducks In? right... this movie freezes when they have a "relaxing day at the beach".. i have to right click and play for it to keep going... graphics aren't at all that great... you do have the right voice like i said in the first episode.. the right voice but you need to learn how to speak into a mic so it is clear... the #1 thing you really need to improve on his graphics and animating... if you can do just that then you'd be in great shape.

very nice stuff here

graphics look really good and the voice acting is really funny. That old lady is funny. "that fucking bitch has fucking stolen my cat" haha.. damn i like her facial expression and the way she moves her hands like that.. hehe this is great. haha this is so great. Damn that cat pwned her!

bradskynoon responds:

thanx man, try and tell other peps bout this submission if ya can i wanna try and get its rating up. or get some freinds to leave reviews. precciate the comments man :)


it's one of those sagways... heh.. this is a very short movie.. graphics look good.. but i don't understand this flash movie... he just says "well if it isn't the chicken man" and starts clapping his hands... it's funny though.. not bad.

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



Some Place Warm

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