I thought this was a good clock movie, graphics looked really good and it's cool how you have the clocks escaping from where ever they are escaping from.. but i don't remember the previous parts of this flash. nice work on this clock movie.
I thought this was a good clock movie, graphics looked really good and it's cool how you have the clocks escaping from where ever they are escaping from.. but i don't remember the previous parts of this flash. nice work on this clock movie.
This movie looks familiar. really nice music and you animated that dragon fly quite good... graphics could be detailed up a little more but they looked good. i liked how you showed different perspectives of the dragon fly... from the side view to the front view of it.. you did a nice job animating it by having it zip from here to there. not bad.
uhh.. okay
another clock movie... emo faggot.. haha that's funny. He really is an emo faggot.. i hate those types of people. i guess the moral of the story is.. don't be an emo faggot cuz then you will lose friends. nice flash.
comic style type almost... voice acting would be a nice add on for sure.... graphics look really good but wow.. it's spanish flash translated into english... people seem to like that spanish speakers actually make flash. There are some sound fx... but some soft background music would be a nice add on. haha, he pulled her in the river.. really nice. nice flash movie. Then finally there's some soft background music which is nice.
This movie has a lot of style, i love the style of the characters and how they are animated frame by frame.. looks good. music seems to fit well with this animation. very awesome movie, keep making more!
cool music you have here and some madness characters killing each other. i always liked parodies of these madness characters cuz it makes people try to use some frame by frame animating.. but yea.. this one seems rather short and could be a lot longer... most madness movies are 4 times the length of this movie.
0_o the joke.. its not ment to be another pointless animation.. its supposed to have humor
a megaman flash... not again.. music seems a little annoying. oh darn. i really don't like flash movies like this. But at least you have voice acting in your sprite movie unlike 98% of the others. not bad i guess.
oh nice
a reality flash movie series... very nice voice acting.. he cannot find his keys. graphics/animating look really good. oh my gawd, america helps chooses what keys he should use. damn this is awesome. heh, very nice reality tv show spoof you have here.
what's Evoltion? do you mean Evolution? this is a very random movie of random stuff.. drawn very poorly and has that seizure stuff in it... "and it all ended in a pop"... right.. this doesn't make sense.
i felt like putting evoltion.. so sue me. im not a dumbass i just felt like putting evoltion.
it wasnt supposed to make sense. it was supposed to confuse you and i do disagree with drawing poorly because it really wasnt. yes they were great drawings of stick figures!
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01