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The graphics look really well drawn and it's very well animated too. the music though.. although it's not to my liking, it seems to fit this movie very well which is great. poor dude... that seems to happen a lot with girls... this is an excellent movie. very sad but very nice.


very interesting background music you have here.. i've never heard this before. It definitely has a nice style to it where it pans to the side and shows the guy doing something different. graphics are decent but could be better. damn, that one drawing of the guy holding the guns in each hand looked really cool... it's a stick dude in clothes.. that's funny. I don't know where you got the sound clips from but they sound really cool. not bad.


very poor graphics... but lots of blood which is nice... and everyone seems to love this piano music. But all that blood just makes it look so damn cool. i really like the screaming and other sound fx in the movie.. you did a nice job with those random violence.

Wustfull responds:

mate, ive got one word for you gothy boy... prozac. But thanks, um, yeah, i didn't really want the blood to be the focus, just like the accidents, the blood was more like the sugar on the cake if you know what i mean... cause i don't.

cool movie

decently drawn/animated... nice work on subtitles and voice acting. hehe, this is a great flash, they are ready for battle and are facing some frog. That's cool how there's RPG spoofing in this flash. a ring? whoa... he's dying from wearing a ring. really nice voice acting skills you have here. graphics just need improvement it seems.. you have a lot of potential for great things.. even though this is geat.. it can be better.


That is so cool looking... but isn't spider-man red and blue colored? he's just some black stick running around and falling from buildings... no webslings or crawling of walls of some kind.. he didn't fight anyone either... meh... this could have been a whole lot better than it was... background graphics were the only things that were good. music and sound fx of some kind seemed to be missing...


i really like this show, it's on mars but damn, the voice acting and animation is so smooth and looks very profesional. The andrew show... although it's very short it sure is a very entertaining fast paced show. the show is forbidden.. heh.. taken off the air? damn that sucks... but i hope there's more episodes.


well, i've already seen this before.. and i liked it... but yea.. i don't really see the changes that you've made to this... you do know that you can go in and re-upload your flash right? you didn't have to submit a new file like this... just click "sign in" and click "portal submissions" and edit.


very interesting, techno crises with a war between man and machine. Animating looks really good but the music doesn't seem to fit with the animating all that well... too bad... but it looks really cool and was fun to watch. nice work on the fighting you sure have skill with that.


somewhere in baghdad... they are doing suicidal acts... damn. really nice graphics/animation and the background music really set the mood of the flash... so nice choice in music. damn, he shot himself... bin laden.. that guy is crazy and he shot himself.. nice! whoa, that's intense... this is definitely a movie of what could possibly be going on over there in Iraq.. people leaving suicide bombs cuz they were bored or because they don't like someone....


this is so great, i really like how this movie has so many perspectives... close ups and over head views. very nice voice acting and background soundfx of the forest. very nice work on the animating the characters part though.. it is so good and really nice how you're making your point accross that more people get STD's than the amount of people that get hit by cars.

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



Some Place Warm

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