you dudes... just.. get.. BETTER! damn. frame by frame animation has always looked good. great job. i can't wait til TN4!
you dudes... just.. get.. BETTER! damn. frame by frame animation has always looked good. great job. i can't wait til TN4!
this is a typical sprite movie.. but it's not as boring as a typical one. um... good work.
it needed a background.. but it was good. it was animated really really well. and the tank idea at the end was very good. a good way to end it. Only thing i thought was bad was that the text.. i could barely read the text cuz they weren't shown long ehough. either my computer is fast or i suck at reading.
please... next time warn me that it is a imported sprite animation. i am not a fan of sprite animations... although metroid was one of my fav's back in the day. I thought this might have been a drawn out one that would look way cooler. i thought wrong.
video game parody are not pardoy if its not importted..... draw are to hard to do and its break all the image of the movie... and that would have give me a worse score so!
right.. drawings.. i came for a movie.. but ... these drawings mostly consist of synj type characters. whaa deee shyet? where's beebo? or did i miss that... i am on a 56k modem.. and you should truly fix it when you click for a song that it doesn't overlap other music....
It's not like if I tried to trick anyone into thinking this was a movie, if you expected a movie, but then where dissapointed to see it wasn't one AFTER it all loaded, then I have to ask... did you even read my comments?
Lots of Synj characters because he's worked with Tom on Alien Hominid and Chainsaw the Children, plus Synj: Asskicker, is a classic. There is a total of 65 pics, don't know if you've seen them all, but most Synj characters are at the beggining, and there are none at the end, only Pico!
Yes, Beebo is in there, if you didn't see him... well... um, I guess I didn't do my job well.
There is a stop music button, so that way, you can reset the sounds and they don't overlap. Is it such a big effort to press two buttons instead of one?
it's good... but not as good as the first one.
damn! this is cool .. short and sweet. awesome sound fx and animated decently. great job!
Very cool 3D. this was very fun to watch. I don't think anyone has ever made a hover plane on a track before. very original, great job!
They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!
Age 39, Male
Some Place Warm
Joined on 1/5/01