
3,778 Movie Reviews

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Nice flash movie

This is a really good movie that shows why a writer would go on strike. Hard work and increase profit should come with a reward for the writers. Very well drawn and animated. I like how this animation fits the music perfectly. great work!

Five-Iron responds:

Thanks Mate :D

This was well put together

Your flash skills are very professional. Good background music and voice acting. You definitely know what you're doing. This looks like something that would be on television. Great work. I liked the ending too. His friend tore up the paper too. excellent work!

hmm okay

This movie is okay... but I don't think the way you rotated the heads was a good idea. It looks very unrealistic and it makes their heads look like a sheet of paper. The little kid's voice was kind of annoying with the chipmunk voice. The idea of the movie was educational. The style of the characters were good... just need to improve on animating it. Not bad.. but keep working on it.

RyanTime2 responds:

yea I know.. no lip-syncing -1 bad turning of heads -1 crappy voice (which was "enhanced" by a program) -1 = 7 thx man


Very nice movie. A speech for the clocks on clockday. "Today is bright, we tic and we toc... we are clocks" haha that was funny. Nice movie!

nice flash movie

It's kind of short. I guess it's a good way to promote a club on NG. As for the movie, it basically just shows someone making a review and some cow guy shooting someone holding a flash document. It's clever but kind of needs some work. The use of the robot voices kinda hurts the movie. If you used a regular voice instead, that may be better use for this. But anyway, you made a promotional movie about a club and that's the main point of this I believe. Not bad.

Imacow responds:


oh man this is great

This is really funny. At first I thought this was going to be something racist but the movie segment just loops over and over again. I really got a kick out of this though. Very funny!

very cool movie

This looks like something that could be shown on cartoon network or something. Great use of sound fx and background music. Very good use of different perspectives. This movie has some excellent action scenes. Great work!

oh snap

Those were some crazy man-boobs. Very nice voice acting. The fart noise gave it a nice touch. I really liked how you animated the characters, it looked very professional. Great work!

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



Some Place Warm

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