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This was pure brilliance

You did a great job with this. I was absolutely shocked when you had the viewer get in a fight with pico like that through the computer screen. You did an excellent job of putting this together. Very well done. Great use of subtitles. Voice acting was quite good too. Happy Pico Day!

jackbliss responds:

Thanks for the compliments. It makes the hard work I put into this worth it :-) A very happy Pico Day to you too!

This was total greatness

I liked how you had Optimus Prime and snake from metal gear solid battle it out against each other. The tommorrows nobodies spoof was a nice add in there. Very well done flash overall. It was fun to watch from start to finish. great stuff!

Radioactive24 responds:

Yeah, Helbereth and Vancouver both did amazing jobs.

Glad to know you enjoyed it!

- Radioactive24


I thought it was a really cool overall movie. Pico wasn't the main character and he wasn't drawn very well at times... but those stick dudes were drawn/animated really well. Background graphics were really good. Voice acting was amazing. You have done well. I liked how the plot was very similar to Pico's School.

RWA responds:



Wow i'm so glad you made a flash movie again. Those voice overs were so funny. The characters and backgrounds were drawn very well. You did an amazing job on all of this from start to finish. REally liked the ending too. This is an instant classic. Hope you keep making flash.

fabulous999 responds:

Thank ya there ol' buddy ol' pal!

this is cool

It's funny seeing that background move and then seeing pico in random places like that. Very nice stuff. Very detailed drawn graphics too. The music gave it a nice touch also.

ShortMonkey responds:

Thanks. XD

That was amazing

I really liked this dunkin donuts advertisement spoof. America really does run on fat. You did a great job of animating that guy collapsing like that. This was a great idea. America really needs to learn that fast food is no good.

superturbo responds:

Thanks. I figured this character would be easier to animate than a "full" cartoon character. I hope to evolve to doing more difficult characters.

hmm quite silent

The sticks were animated pretty well. Some music would be a nice add on. It feels kind of silent but maybe it needed to be silent. So the stick dude tried to grab an apple and he ended up hitting his face. Nice work of animating that and animating his facial expression when his head colided with an apple or whatever fruit it was.

Bezman responds:

Surprised that (and happy if indeed) you liked it.

It was originally meant to go with a particular tune from Underworld's last album. I couldn't work out how to rip the CD though.

Stay funky!

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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