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nice short music video

Nice music video. I like how you can turn the subtitles on and off. Graphics were drawn and animated very well. I've never heard of this song before. You definitely have some excellent frame by frame animating skills. Frame by frame animating isn't easy... I know it.. cuz i've tried it. I like how the movie starts off tweening through a window and then out towards space. nice stuff!

Bezman responds:

Thanks a lot for the compliments!

I really should finish off the full video...

Glad you liked it, though I'd also liked to have heard any specific criticism you might have.

Stay funky!

Semi funny movie of lazy people who break windows

Cool series. Excellent voice acting and frame by frame animating. Great use of the subtitles. Graphics are drawn really well too. That was funny that the duck actually had to think as long as he did to figure out that they were different species.

Snubby responds:

lol, na it was a dramatic silence. he knew damn well :P


I've never heard of the word "farkle" before. Excellent voice acting and graphics were drawn well. I like the idea of trying to advertise something that has such a strange yet strange word. Almost like those... "itomogatchi" things or whatever. Very well done. I like the speedy talk at the end.

XxwaSSupxX responds:

Hah, its just an Ad Parody making fun of every typical ad.


Graphics are not the greatest. The voice overs were really tough to understand... maybe some subtitles would be a nice add-on. The price on this console is absolutely ridiculous... wait the PS3 is also ridiculous. Ok well, would have been nice if I could interpret what they were saying.

Angelsainted responds:

its subtitled now


Very interesting. The flash starts off slow with slow motion tweens of stuff. And then the buildings on the planet explode. I've never heard of WOS maybe because i'm a full time college student who works full time. But anyway, graphics were drawn well and you animated the explosion of the buildings decently. The music was a nice fit for this slow at first but overall short flash. WOS is definitely new to me.

Arskagarf responds:

We're one of the few animation groups that actually makes it and we've been going for a year. It's not very often we put out flash but we've got plenty on the portal.

really cool

Great combination of imported backgrounds and cool animated figures. Great use of frame by frame animating. The halloween background music gave it a very nice touch. This is an excellent movie that sets a halloween mood. Very nice work, i'd like to see what else you can create in flash.

Jonimator responds:

Thanx for the review!

They should make an Italian the manager, they know how to run shit!

Vinny B @YoinK

Age 39, Male



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